But i'm glad we managed to go through with it because i had the best relaxing day. I finally used the MyTeksi app that Nick introduced to me. Pretty reliable app i would say. The teksi that we got were quite decent. Thank God for Nick or else Sharon and i would be driving around KL aimlessly since we are not familiar with KL.
There. That green sticker shows that the driver is "connected" to the app.
The 2 city girls that never took the cab by ourselves. HAHA!! There's like a streak of white hair but its actually just my highlights. Pretty cool huh! Maybe i should consider highlighting white 😄
Oooo bunny bunny!!
Santa, bunny, teddy bear and Christmas tree. Just missing 1 more subject to make this a perfect picture!
Sharon and i with the Christmas tree! Such an awesome day out with her
We walked around Tokyo Street in Pavilion and i saw this bunny earrings. RM 19.90 only but so cute!! Best buy ever! I love bunnies and i love jewelry! So good right. I'm not that kind of girl that requests for expensive materials because whats the point in spending so much but is not the things you like right? Like this bunny earrings. Its bunny and still very affordable!! I can buy so many of this with a Tiffany & Co price. Good buy good buy!
polish but my sister pulled me away. LOOOL!!!
Another attempt to take an artistic shot and i love this shot!! Don't you? Imm getting better at this huh!! Self praise to the max wtf!!
Funny story about this handphone cover. I wanted to bling my Victoria Secret handphone cover and to buy the "blings", it costs RM68 for the baby pink beads and RM78 for the hot pink beads and RM50 for the glue. Sum up to quite a lot but i was like screw it. Buy only. Turned around and saw this cover. I have been aiming to get something like this but mostly are either Dior or Chanel. Too common. But this,i never see before! Immediately i told the lady i didnt want the beads anymore but i want this which costs me RM50 as opposed to almost RM200. Boy she was devastated! Immediately didnt smile at us anymore. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!
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